Since we can create managed bean by two ways as, we can define the bean name in faces-config.xml file so that page can use that OR we can write annotation on bean class so that it is automatically assign to page but I want to know which one is good programming practice ? And also mention disadvantage of other which should not prefer ... Thanking you...
1975I am newbie in J2EE & looking for strong basic behind each concept as, Why do we use private access specifier before each variable of type property bcoz ultimately to access it outside the class we use public method as getter & setter ? If we use getter & setter to access it outside the class so better we make variable as public so that it is easily available outside of the class... Please guide me why do we use as private ????
3 5243for example we are login into the irctc server from there it will go to the selected bank and deduct amount and come back to the irctc. so if we are developing this in java means will it be run on the same session. but as per my knowledge bank is separate and irctc is separate URL's so it will use two different sessions then how it is maintaining same session through out application and even it uses the payment gateway? how it is working can any one help me on that??
3946what is interface in java ?can you explain with simple example?and what is the difference between abstract and interface?
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What are the components of j2ee?
Who generates bytecode in java?
What is the container?
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What is j2ee application?
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What is container-managed transaction?
What is home handle?
what is interface in java ?can you explain with simple example?and what is the difference between abstract and interface?
Is java is fully object oriented?
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What is 2 stands for in j2ee?
Is j2ee and jee same?
Who gave the name java?