Core Java Interview Questions
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If there is no implementation of MARKER INTERFACE in java. Then how compiler come to know about specification.

2 5491

How can be define MARKER interfce in java

1 5779

How two different class threads communicate with each other?. send example code.

4 7741

public class BatchTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime(); try { Process p = run.exec("cmd start /c D:/test.bat"); System.out.println(p.exitValue()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("FINISHED"); } }


What is the difference between this() and super()?


15 36043

Which of the following can be referenced by a variable? A. The instance variables of a class only B. The methods of a class only C. The instance variables and methods of a class

2 15114

how can u apply shallow cloning and deep cloning to create object?

Yash Technologies,

1 6634

I am unable to find or learn about print command. I have a graphical program in core java in applet but i want to give print command but i have coding for that so if anyone know about this plz mail me on


please tell me what is wrapper class in java with example ?


6 18824

How to declare unique ArrayList ?


6 16468

How to override a equals() method and what is the use?

1 4013

A abstract class extending an abstract class.Super class has both abstract and non-abstract methods.How can we implement abstract and non-abstract mehtods? Explain with snippet

3 5006

what is the difference between java and j2ee... is that can i work j2ee on net beans IDE 6.0

2 4906

what is the difference between AWT and SWING what is the advantage of using swing?

3 12913

Convert a binary search tree to a sorted doubly linked list inplace.


1 9207

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Un-Answered Questions { Core Java }

hi am an engineering student and my next plan is for ms in either in us or australia i got my passport but i dont know anything bout visa can u give brief idea 1)How to get prepared for visa and 2)How to apply for top universities and 3)How to pay the fee and so on These all are basic questions plz give me a clear idea


What are the advantages of inner classes?


What is an example of a constant variable?


Can we have any code between try and finally blocks?


What is the difference between the prefix and postfix forms of the ++ operator?


What is the latest java version?


Is an object null?


What is methods in java?


What is method overloading in java ?


public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { int countA = 0; int countB = 0; int countC = 0; int countD = 0; int countE = 0; int countF = 0; int countG = 0; int countH = 0; int countI = 0; int countJ = 0; int countK = 0; int countL = 0; int countM = 0; int countN = 0; int countO = 0; int countP = 0; int countQ = 0; int countR = 0; int countS = 0; int countT = 0; int countU = 0; int countV = 0; int countW = 0; int countX = 0; int countY = 0; int countZ = 0; } } Can anybody tell me any alternate solution(like loop or something) to automate this initialization process. Ex:- for(char chr='A';chr<='Z'; chr++) { (int) String "count"+chr = 0; }


What is the difference between a scrollbar and a scrollpane?


How many techniques can be employed to create a string object?


What is an argument in java?


Are variables stored in ram?


What is the original name of java?