Core Java Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is operator?

3 4332

what is mutability?which one is mutable String or StringBuffer?and why?give examples of each which shows the mutability of each String or StringBuffer

IBM, Zenon,

4 25320

what is Thread?

6 5924

what is synchronization

3 4614

How to add two numbers with out using Arithmetic , union operators in java....? But we can use bitwise operators... but how...?

CTS, Satyam,

4 11284

Can we access private data outside of the class directly in java programming language? Why There is no runtime checking in java, which leads to access the private data directly outside of a class?


5 9319

What is the need to implement Serializable interface (with no methods) for objects which are to be serialized ? We can write our own functionality which writes objects to streams then why we need to implement and tell JVM that which objects can be serialized.

iFlex, Sapient,

6 13894

why java not supproting multiple inheritance?

5 6377

what is the purpose of method overriding in java where v r completely re-defining a inherited method instead y can't v create a new method and define.If the question is very silly plz excuse me and do reply.Thank U!

emc2, Kumaran Systems,

7 26468

If a multi threaded Java program has started numerous number of threads, at any point in time how to know which thread is currently executing/running ?

Accenture, College School Exams Tests, iFlex, NIIT,

7 13520

Why const and goto are reserved keyword in java?

1 6844

Why Wait and notify are kept in Object class although they are used only with Thread Class

Global Logic, Saksoft,

2 9410

can anyone explain me the concept of autoboxing?

3 5495

what is the use of pojo (plain old java objects)? how it is interact with crystal reports? pls urgent


how to use crystal reports in java

2 3798

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Un-Answered Questions { Core Java }

What is array initialization in java?


Which are different kinds of source code?


What is memory leak and how does java handle it?


What is the use of 'super' keyword inside a constructor?


What is the difference between preemptive scheduling and time slicing in java programming?


Which package is used for pattern matching with regular expressions?


Is this valid in java ? Can we instantiate interface in java?


What is finalize() function in java?


In multi-threading how can we ensure that a resource isn't used by multiple threads simultaneously?


What is the point of polymorphism java?


What class allows you to read objects directly from a stream?


Give a brief description of java socket programming?


What is the difference between equals() and == in java?


How do you clear a list in java?


How do listeners work?