Java Related Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is aggregation and composition ?


1 5825

Can we add default constructor to Servlet?


1 6089

How do u pass data from one jsp to another jsp?


3 14158

what is diff btwn JNDI&JDBC?

CTS, JPMorgan Chase,

6 25305

how to enable conection poole shrinking??


2 8977

what is the meaning of java.lang and java.util

6 34625

how can connection with oracle10g with java


3 10904

if a java file without any source code is valid java file?


3 8547

why string is not taking as primitive datatypes but we r taking it as a class? why explain it?

HP, SparkTG,

2 5254

What is the difference between the synchronized() & static synchronized()?

HP, SparkTG,

2 7552

which one is more efficient int x; 1. if(x==null) 2.if(null==x) state which one either 1 or 2?

HP, SparkTG,

6 9180

how tha garbage collector know that the object will be deleted? on which algorithm the garbage collector works? what is the working principle of garbage collector? How manay types of garbage collectors r there?

HP, SparkTG,

1 6339

what is object type casting? give some example with related?

HP, SparkTG,

2 7638

suppose we have an interface & that interface contains five methods. if a class implements that interface then we have to bound that to give tha definition of all five methods in that class. If we declare that class as abstract then can we call only two methods to give the deinition of that method & i don't want to give the definition of all the methods? can it possible

HP, Wipro,

6 8223

What is connection pooling? What Method and class used for Connection pooling in Java?

2 6854

Un-Answered Questions { Java Related }

Why we are using dependency injection?


What will be the default values of all the elements of an array defined as an instance variable?


What is a protected class in java?


Explain different parts available as part of jvm and describe them in few lines.


How does the @requestmapping annotation work?


What are the components of java swing?


How are commas used in the intialization and iteration parts of a for statement?


Why are servlets used?


A user of a web application sees a jsessionid argument in the URL whenever a resource is accessed. What does this mean? a. The form must have the field jsessionid b. URL rewriting is used as the session method c. Cookies are used for managing sessions


What is the difference between abstraction and encapsulation?


What are functional testing and unit testing?


Explain the inheritance?


How can the nm be made to work with web logic? Explain?


Can beans who are involved in transaction have 'passivation' process?


How do we call a stored procedure from jdbc?