what is the meaning of java.lang and java.util

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what is the meaning of java.lang and java.util..

Answer / nimish

java.lang and java.util are built in packages that contains
classes that we use in the program eg.java.lang contains
classes System,String,StringBuffer etc.and java.util
contains Date etc.

Is This Answer Correct ?    50 Yes 12 No

what is the meaning of java.lang and java.util..

Answer / bhuvaneswari kamaraj

java.lang is a package which contains the classes like
System, String, String Buffer etc., This package doesnt
have to be explicitly imported as they are imported by
Whereas Java.Util is a package which contains classes like
Date, Vector, Dictionary, hashtable etc., This has to be
imported everytime you use it in your program

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 7 No

what is the meaning of java.lang and java.util..

Answer / kartik kudada

There is no need to import java.lang package, it implicitly
available to java file whereas it is mandatory to import
java.util explicitly .

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 5 No

what is the meaning of java.lang and java.util..

Answer / babloo jha

Actually util stands
dere for utility n dese
r packages dat r
predfined classes in
java language n used
in programs just lyk
dere r some
predefined header files
in c.

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 9 No

what is the meaning of java.lang and java.util..

Answer / seeli louis

java.lang is default package contains some fundamendal
classes for java language. For example it contains classes
like ClassLoader , Class and System . JVM loads tha class
file using this ClassLoader ... so its automatically
imported by jvm also known as default package.java.util
contains all the utility classes needed

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 8 No

what is the meaning of java.lang and java.util..

Answer / rashmi

java language and java util both are built in package.the java util package define a number of useful classes and that are use for working with groups of object.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

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