Write a shell program where you enter a number which corresponds to K.M. Find out the corresponding values in m, cm, inches, and feet. Hints:- 1 k.m= 1000 m 1 m= 100 cm 1 inches= 2.54 cm. 1 feet= 12 inches
1676Write a shell program. Enter number of days from keyboard. Find out the number of years, month and days it contains
1668Write a shell program. Enter basic pay of an employee and calculate DA, HRA, Deduction, Gross pay and Net pay as follows: DA = 75 % of BASIC HRA = 10 % of BASIC DEDUCTION = 15 % of BASIC GROSS PAY = BASIC+DA+HRA NET PAY = GROSS PAY-DEDUCTION.
1 9073you have an unlimited supply of $3 and $7 poker chips. What is the largest integer value that you cannot make by combining different numbers of chips?
2 4050There is a room with 1000 light switches, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, ... 1000, all turned off. Outside the room there are 1000 men, numbered man1, man2, ...man 1000 In order, each man walks into the room and changes the position of each switch that is a multiple of his number. That is: man1 flips every switch man2 flips switches 2, 4, 6, 8 ....1000 man3 flips switches 3, 6, 9, ..... 999 ..... Man 1000 flips switch 1000 After all 1000 men are done, how many switches are on?
3 7855hi i m deepak my shedule for NIC pi is 17 Apr please contact me if anybody has interview on same day or give me some idea who have faced
1723When we have two versions of the dot net installed how does the compiler know which version of DLL it has to select to an application.
1561Post New Programming Languages AllOther Questions
how do i create my own exception class which will restrict IO exception?
please any one pass file aid,xpeditor and endeavor tools
can we retrieve only integer/String type columns from a table,if yes how?
iam confused to choose among testing, .net and java can anybody help me????????
what is meant by life cycle of a business
how sap is different from other software ?
what is the current salary package in India for a lamp programmer
Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print "Fit" instead of the number and for the multiples of five print "Bit". For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print "FitBit".
kindly send interview materials
Write a shell program to test whether a given year is leap year or not ?
What ports must be open for DCOM over a firewall? What is the purpose of Port 135?
How to use string functions in QTP?give some examples
Explain with examples any 2 features of OOPS.
1. Consider the following code in our example assembly language: ; an example bit of assembly code ROOT: W FATHER FATHER: W SON1 W SON2 SON1: W NIL W NIL ; ---------------------- SON2: W GRANDSON W NIL GRANDSON: W NIL W NIL NIL = 0 Assemble this code carefully following the two pass model, and show the symbol table at the point marked by the dashed line during each pass.