Architecture Design AllOther Interview Questions
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what was the most complex thing you worked on?

1 4398

what caused you to decide become an architect?what skills do you bring to this job?


what is Interior Architechture and design?


DO you have experience in mosques architectures- designs?

1 4038

Is there a particular architect or specific building that you admire?


Tell me about a time when you had a project to complete with very little background materials?


Why did you choose Architecture as your major?


Name your favorite architects and what do you admire about their work?


Talk to me about your design philosophy?


How are European, Asian and US perceptions of architecture different?


Is there any structure that you've been in that it was difficult to leave?


whta is meant by lintel?

3 11601

Define pediment?

1 4171

Define frieze?

1 5071

I am in the process of designing a small traditional Japanese house for myself. I am trying to use as many natural materials as possible. I believe one of the traditional methods was the use of clay in the exterior walls and finish. I would like to stay away from treated plywood if I can. Could you offer some suggestions?

1 6848

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Un-Answered Questions { Architecture Design AllOther }

What is the more accurate formula to convert wet concrete to dry aggregate instead of the 54% method?


Is DataStage Designer, a thin client or a thick client?


. A BSC can contain ___________ number of BCF packs.


Is this house typical of the houses of this community? What makes it typical or atypical?


what are the differences of software life cycle models


I have completed my Diploma in architectre from Gujarat Technical board. I would like to do a Postal degree.Could you tell me which univercity will help me.How can i regester my name in IIA.


I am architecture student. What type of foundation is preferred in Alluvial soil ? where the soil texture is sandy loam...and also which type of foundation is used for steel structure which will be for 6 story building design


Hi i am going to attend Deputy Architect interview in Telecommunication Dept. through UPSC I dont know the type of questions they will ask. I will be very thankful if anyone could help me. Please send to my email-id Please any one have experience of some other Dept., please reply me. my interview in on 10th of Nov. only 5 days left. please help.


what is the difference between R/3 Internet sales and CRM Internet sales?can a plant be assigned to multiple company codes?can a sales org. be assigned?


what is the design architecture of cognos8?


What is meant by fetch and execute cycle in cpu operations


What is the name of the first type of building used in Christian Churches?


Means of interrupt in cpu operations?


what is the rate of 4000sqft rate, with material tile plumbing all work with plinth? Pl. Send ans.


what cut of marks in cgl2010 tier2