Architecture Design AllOther Interview Questions
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Structural wall & slab : Binding wire fixing is alternatively spacing is correct or wrong?. binding wire fixing is all spacing is must or not?


difference between action and collaboration in object oriented designing and modeling


One House is being constructed by an Civil Engg. all pillars are as per structure, but north side there should be 4 pillars among two at back side were 6" inside from the border and remaining two comes front were placed 1'6" inside. is it ok as per vaastu, else if i alter the alignment what would be the best idea, kindly help me.


how to measure 4mm,6mm,12mm,18mm plywood into a cubic meter and how many layers in a cubic meter

HCL, ITI, MSCB, Vishal, Wood Paker,


Density of plasterboard 15 mm

McGregor Design,


1 bag cement =who many seq er meters plastering (1:5)

1 2623

what are supports available in simply supported beam?

1 2516

What is water cement ratio?


1 2784

What is the more accurate formula to convert wet concrete to dry aggregate instead of the 54% method?

Tech Mahindra,


What are the dimension of hollow bricks size

1 2249

why we use stub column

1 2172

I am architecture student. What type of foundation is preferred in Alluvial soil ? where the soil texture is sandy loam...and also which type of foundation is used for steel structure which will be for 6 story building design


What is meant by OSI model?


Why do u want to join vastu vihar

Vastu Vihar,


What is meant by fetch and execute cycle in cpu operations


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Un-Answered Questions { Architecture Design AllOther }

what is CEPT and ETSI for telecom?


how much steel required for 1 sq area for swimmin pool construcion


how to measure 4mm,6mm,12mm,18mm plywood into a cubic meter and how many layers in a cubic meter


Why did the wall of Romanesque Churches have to be so thick?


what is the role of an architect


Australian architecture should be much the same as American architecture because they both came from British influence and were founded at about the same time. I was hoping you could give me some insight on that and tell me if I should change my hypothesis.


How to calculate stabilizer for a machine


I have completed my Diploma in architectre from Gujarat Technical board. I would like to do a Postal degree.Could you tell me which univercity will help me.How can i regester my name in IIA.


How CPU handle an interrupt operations?


what is the maximum depth at which the open foundation bridge can be done


What is the more accurate formula to convert wet concrete to dry aggregate instead of the 54% method?


Who is responsible for territory? can you please help me in getting the answer for this


how many steel rod of the cilling 10'x10'


One House is being constructed by an Civil Engg. all pillars are as per structure, but north side there should be 4 pillars among two at back side were 6" inside from the border and remaining two comes front were placed 1'6" inside. is it ok as per vaastu, else if i alter the alignment what would be the best idea, kindly help me.


The telecommunications offered by the GSM PLMN may be divided into three main groups.what is it?