C Interview Questions
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write a program to copy a string without using a string?

2 4458

what is the coding of display the factorial of a number using array and function?

1 3138

write a program to display reverse of a number using for loop?

14 40764

give an example of type casting by a simple c program


2 4020

You have an array of n integers, randomly ordered with value 1 to n-1.The array is such that there is only one and one value occurred twice. How will you find this number?

1 2881

write a c program for print your name .but,your name may be small letter mean print a capital letter or your name may be capital letter mean print a small letter .example \\enter ur name : sankar The name is: SANKAR (or) enter your name:SAnkar The name is:saNKAR


3 5402

write a program to gat the digt sum of a number (et. 15= >1+5=6)

2 3329

write a progam to display the factors of a given number and disply how many prime numbers are there?

2 6944

What is the mean of this statement:: if(int i=0 * i=9)


2 4126

control 50 devices which has 2 states on and off.using bitwise operator.plz answer it its urgent

1 2934

write a c program to find the roots of a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0

CSC, St Marys, TATA,

11 44043

write a program to swap two numbers without using temporary variable?

3 6150

how to write a data 10 in address location 0x2000

3 4719

what is a non volatile key word in c language?

1 3892

what is diognisis?

1 3058

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Hi how many types of software editions are there and their difference (like home editions, enterprise, standard etc) can u please help me


Why is it that not all header files are declared in every C program?


How can I make it pause before closing the program output window?


What is the difference between near, far and huge pointers?


Write a program to reverse a string.


Is main a keyword in c?


Which header file should you include if you are to develop a function which can accept variable number of arguments?


how we can make 3d venturing graphics on outer interface


In a switch statement, what will happen if a break statement is omitted?


What are void pointers in c?


What is #line used for?


What is the use of bitwise operator?


What is advantage of pointer in c?


What is the difference between pure virtual function and virtual function?


Do pointers store the address of value or the actual value of a variable?