Law Interview Questions
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If you were the prime minister, which laws would you change?


Why is there no United States of Europe but there is a United States of America?


If a wife had expressed distaste for it previously, would her husband's habit of putting marmalade in his egg at breakfast be grounds for divorce?


Should the state have the right to violate our privacy?


Should the law restrict our freedom of speech?


If my friend locks me in a room, and says I am free to come out whenever I like as long as I pay £5, is this a deprivation of liberty?


How do you think the House of Lords should be reformed?


A Field Marshall orders a soldier to kill his squad mate. Would this be murder?


What is a Queen's Counsel and how does one become one?


What is the hierarchy of courts in the UK?


What do you understand by the rule of law?


What would it be like to live in a country with no laws?


Should people have the right to die?


If you have got a client who refuses to go to court despite being summoned for multiple charges. What advice would you give him?


To what extent did the NSA revelations impact on the British public?


Un-Answered Questions { Law }

ano ngaba ang nauna manok ba o itlog




What's the difference between a civil and criminal case?


Are you willing to go through the accreditation process for police station advisors?


what is the lat date of tds deposit for march 2010 ASSESSMENT YEAR 2010-2011


How do you think the House of Lords should be reformed?


Are school uniforms a contravention of human rights?


insider trading


can we keep basic salary of an employee below 6500


mention different sources through which preliminary expences can be write off,if co. is incurring losses can still preliminary exp. can be write off


In France, if a person sees somebody drowning, they have a legal obligation to help them. Should this be the case in the UK?


What is the proof to decide whether the property is in the area of Lal Dora?


Hi to all, i worked in TCS ( Bpo ) for 6 months & i left TCS because of my health issues and one main reason was my senior was not good, i always found myself tortured, no doubt that envoirnment of TCS is really very good, and obviously there are lots of benefits for their employees, even i spoke to my process head, my process manager, even with the process HR , i discussed on the problem i am facing and requested them to move me into other process but there is one policy is till the time i will not complete 18 months in the same process they are unable to move me into other process, and i left TCS within 6 months , i informed my seniors , HR that i am not well wont be able to continue and i need some rest, and it was BPO , i was really very disturbed putting headphones whole day , it was quite frustrating , after 1 month i had started receiving letters from tcs that i am absent from my duties and i haven't informed anyone, then i again spoke to my HR and my senior that i am no well and also shared medical certificate , but that time my HR was on 15-20 days leave, and he couldn't check my mail. after some time i have started receiving reminders that i have to report within 24 hours else they will take strict action against me, i was really very depressed because one side i was not able to continue in same process and i was getting mails on mails that i have to report and i need to continue, i was not willing to TCS, my HR was on leave, i was not aware whether he is in office or not, when i received final letter then the very same day i contacted my collegue and he told me that HR is on leave, then i forwarded the same mail with my medical to Head office ( Mumbai ), where from i was getting mails, and i got contact no of 1 HR then she said today you are responding because today u got final letter , and before that there was no information about you. then i got absconded, & i received too much letters that i am absconded and i have to pay 20k, now i am willing to join TCS , not in same process , and i am also working as a HR ,in a small firm, now pls help me and suggest me that can i join TCS again if i will clear that outstanding or is there any chance to join tcs,


what is the meaning of grivance


Explain a situation when you felt that you dealt with a situation inadequately, and how has that changed how you would approach the same situation?