What stops countries from invading each other on a daily basis?
Is there any full form for "LAW" ???
HI! I am icwai student. What is the difference between the "Contract of Service" and Contract for Service" in employment. Give some example also. Please it's really helpful to me. Thank you!
Whether Service Tax credit Can be taken and TDS can be deducted from freight inward and Outward on purchases ?
What is your view on the "sufficient benefit" test in legally aided work?
Based on Internal Revenue Service rules, what criteria distinguish a consultant from an employee?
Are babies born with a moral code or is it learned?
can an outsider put a criminal case against members of the cooperative society on personal ground though matter of the society where each member is not paid by the society and does voluntary service , secondly can the police call each and every member after getting bail from the magistrate be called by the police at any time without any proper questions being asked by the police every now and then since in the bail it is written that the police can call the members at any time for interrogation, after going for interrogation one finds that there were no questions asked . thirdly have they to report to th epolice every time they go out of india
To what extent did the NSA revelations impact on the British public?
What is role of indirect taxation mangaer(in term of Excise, Custom, Service tax, Income tax, CST, VAT and other applicabe laws)
Domain server purchase TDS provision u/s 195 of income tax act, 1961
where can i find indian patnership act on the net?
Why do we bother with environmental protection?
mention different sources through which preliminary expences can be write off,if co. is incurring losses can still preliminary exp. can be write off
what is the difference between Nyaydish and Nyaymurti in India