MainFrame Interview Questions
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I found in one of the jcl, gdg version being mentioned as : abc.def.ghi(-0) Can anyone tell me how referring the version as (-0) is different from referring it as (0)

2 5593

not all command typed on command line are cl command? true r false

3 5789

if &var='good++++' &var2='day' &var *cat &var2 &var1 *tcat &var2 what is output

2 4303

what is the command to rtrieve system date? options:1.rtvsysval 2.rtvjoba 3.rtvjobd 4.both a and b

5 12392

what is the use of CPYFRMQRYF?

4 10795

function of DSPPGMREF?

3 8357

what is pointer error in rpg IV?


4 14588

How is it possible to do a cross-sysplex copy of a PDS dataset by running one JCL on the target sysplex? I tried to use IEBCOPY with SUBSYS & CSM as follows: //CSMTRAN1 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD DSN=PDS-Dataset-name-from,DISP=SHR, // SUBSYS=(CSM,'SYSPLEXNAME-FROM') //SYSUT2 DD DSN=PDS-Dataset-name-to,DISP=OLD, // SUBSYS=(CSM,SYSPLEXNAME-TO') //SYSIN DD DUMMY This did not work. I always get the following error "IEB1071E DD NAME SYSUT1 IS SUPPOSED TO BE A PARTITIONED DATA SET BUT IT HAS NO DIRECTORY. EXPECT A TERMINAL I/O ERROR. (DS1LSTAR=X'000000' DS1DSORG=X'0000' JFCDSORG=X'0200') " The source dataset is a catalogued pds dataset with many entries. The target dataset is allocated in the same job some lines before the transfer. I got an example like this for PS datasets with IEBGENER. But for PO datasets there should be a similar possibility...

ASG, Hotel Jobs,


How many Printer Files can Declare in a CL Program?

4 13998

How many MONMSG commands can declare in a CL program?

3 12215

Can you use multi format LF in CL program?

2 7386

Can you search give an array in the WHERE clause of a db2 query?

1 5917

How to declare the length of emp no in the physilcal file and the mandatory length is 6 i.e. Emp No should be numeric, mandatory and fill all the 6 places

2 5379

i have two pfs it contains "Status" fields in the same name "status in both the pf's...But i used the same name in display file...when i enter a status thru disp file it willbe added to i want to rename "Staus " field in pf2 through program...............wat will do..give coding?


5 8946

How can we make use of SETLL operation in CL?

11 24362

Un-Answered Questions { MainFrame }

Explain how do you set the mdt option to on status, even if data is not entered?


http default port 80 is used by some other production http service. How can I create an http instance on another port to run cgidev2 and my future cgi developments?


How can unused space allocation be returned to the system when a dataset is closed?


What is reorg?


How dummy is used in jcl?


What is the quality process in development?


how can we run a batch job?


How can a stopped job be started again?


What is meant by a bolt dispute?


Brief description of inline procedure of jcl.


How you can characterize tables in cobol?


define the purpose of the iter operation?


What are the mandatory keywords of sub file?


can error messages as a result of a comp, range or values keyword be overridden?


Name a few IBM utility programs, and explain its function.