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How do you restrict the data to be entered in sap payroll area?
What is a http session?
What is using keyword?
what are the parameters are selected while manufacturing a single cylinder block?what are the different kind of test is conducted on it so that it can withstand with all those condition which required to run the engine efficiently.which force is act when piston slide inside the cylinder.
Define bootstrap.
what is the difference between delete and truncate commands? : Sql dba
What is the difference between var and val ?
I am new to jmeter and i am working on .net application.I am recording the requests and pop up images data are not recording.can some one suggest an idea regarding this
what is global company currency and in which case we have to create global company currency 60 as additional currency in OB22?
What are :- AC Distribution Board (Single & Double Front) DC Distribution Boards Distribution Board LT Breaker Panel.
Explain some of the common lists to design a web page.
When a square wave is applied to primary of a transformer then what will be output wave form of secondary ?
What is mutex and semaphore?
What is the maximum length of an alert name?
How can you set up static files in Django?