What is a php session?
What is the use of a span tag? Explain with example.
Explain linked list using c++ with an example?
What do you know about normalization and de- normalization?
What is CLR and its application.?
Is not supported in a wpf project?
Tell me the role of a car driver as one of a feedback mechanism.
supose 10 times text data is there but it will run 8 times whtat will you do.
What is green revolution?
Rate yourself on your marketing skills in terms of these parameters: mediocre, good, very good, excellent. Justify your rating?
Why is hashset faster?
SAP-HR why do v need T-Code 0014 and 0015? Can we not do the same in 0014? (I told that 0014 is for recurring payments and 0015 is for one time payment, so i was asked by setting the dates in 0014 we can make the same as one time payment so why do we need 0015)?
What is etl tool in hadoop?
What is a semaphore? What are the different types of semaphores?
In python, how can you generate random numbers?