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Crea QTP Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Differences between QTP & Winrunner?

2 3566

How to add a runtime parameter to a datasheet?

1 3378

Analyzing the Checkpoint results ?

1 2907

Explain about Table and DB Checkpoints?

1 3240

Explain about Checking Bitmaps?

1 2941

Expalin Text/Text Area Checkpoint

1 3211

Explain Checking XML....

1 3029

Object Repositories types, which & when to use?

3 4596

Can we Script any test case with out having Object repository? or Using Object Repository is a must

3 4122

How to execute a WinRunner Script in QTP?

1 3517

How to handle Run-time errors?

1 3673

How to change the run-time value of a property for an object?

3 4209

How to open any application during Scripting?

3 4479

Types of properties that Quick Test learns while recording?

1 3183

What is the extension of script and object repository files?

4 4574

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Un-Answered Questions

how related substnce method developted for new compound which not official in the pharmacopiea


Explain the Quantitative PCR for Intestinal Samples?


What is the maximum crushing load in Kg & crushing strength in N/mm2 for M25 & M 15 Grade concrete


Tell me what is the importance of "action" attribute in a html form?


Mention the purpose of istream class?


What is ef code?


How to create border using images by css3?


How to load data in informatica ?


Can you start a thread twice in Java?


Mention the steps to insert data at the starting of a singly linked list?


How is a keyspace created in cassandra?


What instrument in a car measures its speed?


Explain how do populations of predators and preys vary in predatism?


What’s the utilization of resource bundle properties file in struts validation structure?


What is FPI?