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ABC Inc Interview Questions
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What is an Economizer?

4 8861

What is the effect of high alkaline water to a boiler?

3 16093

Steps In starting boilers.

1 3642

What is the color of the flame of the boiler running in good condition?

6 13636

What is a brake horsepower?

1 4360

What is thrust bearing?

1 4054

What are the causes of boiler backfire and steps in how to prevent it from happening?

4 56493

What are the causes of high alkalinity in boiler water?

2 6406

What are sensible heat, latent heat, and specific heat of water?

1 4270

What are the causes of turbine vibration

9 27441

What are steam turbine parts usually come into damage?

3 5748

What type of pump use in boiler F.O. system?

2 4879

What s gland sealing steam?

3 6673

. Where can you find the feed check valve and feed stop valve and give the purpose of it?

1 4833

How to prevent back fire of boiler?

2 6444

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Q-Explain the different load conditions that will produced different offset which may or may not be acceptable to thhe control function


Is jdbc a protocol?


What is java naming and directory service?


What are the different types of injection in spring?


How can measure flow in oil line?which type of transmitter is generally used?


What is purpose of __init__ in class ? Is it necessary to use __init__ while creating a class ?


How to change postgresql root user password?


What is cluster sampling?


What are the purposes of console object in node.js?


all clients are using at once if any problem raise?


Why are data files so large?


What does safe control means?


What is a scenario in excel?


What Is A Weblogic Server Cluster ?


List some of the dynamic data structures in C?