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CMC Manual Testing Interview Questions
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how cookie and session testing is done ?????

2 4658

does tester use design document for writing testcases

4 8273

Hi Friends, I am going to give Foundation Level Testing Exam from ISTQB, I need its dumps and study material. Please help me if any one has. Thanks in Advance

2 4042

What were the major challenges u faced while testing


What is regression testing

4 5638

what is severity and what is priority

4 5541

on what basis do the tester asssign severity

7 9700

how to write test case for ID CARD button in HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. kindly do reply me.

1 12628

I had faced in one of the interview that " you have found the bug and assigned to the corresponding developer, but the developer did not accept your bug. what will you do at this situation. can any one help me with clear answer ? I answered like, I will show the SRS,GUI document and show the image of the bug where i got. and again they asked me , still they did not accpet your bug. what you will do ? Answer me....

5 7488

what are metrics and what are metrics did u collect in you are project


Post New CMC Manual Testing Interview Questions

CMC Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How to calculate the force on a column of three story building. What should be the base concrete height?.


When does an object becomes eligible for garbage collection in java?


Intern stastical programmer written test


For what purpose would you use the RETAIN statement?


Is c++ low level?


how is the cable tray designed & how its total length is calculated for an Industrial plant Say for Ex. (500KW Motor Load)


with help of neat sketch explain principle of TIG welding process


What is balloon payment?


What are the core interfaces are of hibernate framework?


What are the different methods ot loading a dimension table? A fact table etc?


What is the use of symbol // in jcl?


What is the use of the development plans component?


How are multimedia used in engineering?


How do I open an xml file in notepad ++?


Explain laravel contracts?