What is mean by autosum?
Is arraylist a class?
Doadd(1,2) doadd(1,2,3,4) use the above arguments to sum the value. Using without any parameter receive throught the function.?
How is repository different from built-in?
Explain roles, user and permissions?
Tell me does laravel support caching?
Differentiate between namespace and assembly.
What do you understand by Pair RDD?
how do I increase the size of a logical volume?
What is number in javascript?
i have recently joined a bank as probationary officer.i ant to know hich of the two options bellow will be benefitial:- 1.receiving HRA or 2.receiving lease rent from the bank.
List out the six packages available in xml digital signature api?
What are the outlook settings for office 365?
Cucumber is written in which programming language?
What are the __date__ and __time__ preprocessor commands?