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WCF:When is the MsmqIntegrationBinding or the NetMsmqBinding used?

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How can I check the type of an object at runtime?


What is freeze panes in ms-excel?


What is third generation HPLC Columns?


tel me sumdin abt indian culture?


What is the custom settings ?


How many versions of rss language standards?


What are the 3 types of data?


Can two users have the same profile?


I have created a command that display Source file and library. Now i want that when i enter library name and press f4 on Source file, pgm should display all the PF- SRC's in that Library. For F4 option i have used Choice program but since only limited paramters are passed in Choice pgm i am not able to paas library name and further can't call a pgm that will display list of Source files. Below is the Code snippet for CMD type object :- CMD PROMPT('Source Scan for HUB Standard') PARM KWD(SOURCE) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(1) RSTD(*YES) + VALUES(N A) MIN(1) + CHOICE('N,A') PARM KWD(SRCFILE) TYPE(FILE) RSTD(*NO) + PROMPT('SOURCE FILE') FILE: QUAL TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) RSTD(*NO) EXPR (*YES) + CHOICE(*PGM) + CHOICEPGM (XXXXXLIB/YYYPGM) QUAL TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) DFT(*LIBL) + SPCVAL((*LIBL)) EXPR(*YES) PROMPT ('Library') Below is the Choice pgm:- PGM PARM(&PARM1 &PARM2) DCL VAR(&PARM1) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN (21) DCL VAR(&PARM2) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN (2000) IF COND(%SST(&PARM1 1 10) = 'CHOICE ' *AND + %SST(&PARM1 11 10) = 'SRCFILE ' *AND + (%SST(&PARM1 21 1) = 'C' *OR %SST (&PARM1 + 21 1) = 'P')) THEN (DO) /* (%SST(&PARM1 21 1) = 'C' *OR %SST (&PARM1 + */ CHGVAR VAR(&PARM2) VALUE('Name, F4 for List') ENDDO IF COND(%SST(&PARM1 1 10) = 'CHOICE ' *AND + %SST(&PARM1 11 10) = 'SRCFILE ' *AND + %SST(&PARM1 21 1) = 'P') THEN (DO) CHGVAR VAR(&PARM2) VALUE('Name, F4 for List') CALL PGM(GTSQL) PARM ('XXXXLIB') return ENDDO Thanks in Advance for looking into.


hello friends.. I have a doubt regarding the operation of dc machines.. I studied in a text book that a dc machine can be used as a generator and as a motor.. is this possible? If so,please send me the info about this topic.. you can also send your info to my mail.


H.t motor 6600 volt to same motor lt supply 440volt supply applyed to h.t motor to effect....


Are you comfortable in cobol or jcl?


What is write stage?


What do you mean by helper in codeigniter?


Name some of the most widely used libraries in .net for json?