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ADP QTP Interview Questions
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Is there anyway to automatically update the Datasource name in Database Checkpoints object when we migrate tests to a new release?


how can i do QTP Certification can any 1 tell me . How 1 approch and who to approch

7 20452

can any body help me out by providing links/material for descriptive programming in QTP otherwise can you post decriptive programing based interview Questetion&ans. plz help me out . i need it.

1 3993

hi i am new to qtp i need to run all files by a batch what is the procedure and what are following actions to be take?

1 4377

one ok button and one text box is there.when i click on ok button in that text box one no. will display from 1 to 100 randomley.if that is not 100 when we click on ok button again ,again another text box ll created with another no. we will continue this till the text box created and displays 100.and when its 100 ok button should disabled. remember thet no will display not seriely ,it displays randomley,and each time new text box will created.

6 10055

what is the test process followed for your project?

1 4842

if Object repository contain x and y properties. we do not know whether they are mandatory or assistive properties. While executing the script qtp will use both the properties or only sufficient properties to identify the object. It means it use OR (or) AND

8 14125

You have an application version 1 with 5 combo boxes, Developers develop version 2. Here they replaced bottom 3 combo boxes with each other. While executing the Test script for version1 no errors. When we execute the Test script for version2 that QTP showing the error message "Object not identified" remember no property changed in version 2, ordinal identifier also disabled. Find what properties might change here in this scenario

6 8404

If our application contain one image while executing script application failed to show that image but you have to check that image by importing dynamically from other location... Can we use Check Points here on dynamically imported image?

2 4123

Can we Run the Tests developed in QTP 8.2 in advanced versions like 9.0, 9.1, 9.2...etc.,

3 6117

I have a WebEdit Object.It is added in object repository.It has two properties Name and Index.In the next release the Name Property is same but the index property is changed.when i run the script will the script Pass or Fail

9 12144

1. In build1 there is a page with two check boxes and a submit button. You have prepared a script for that page and its working fine. In Build 2 the developers have added two checkboxes in the page. Will the script prepared for Build 1 work for Build 2 or not. If yes, why and if No, why. Remember the developers have not touched the object properties of the textboxes in the page.

3 5940

What is an other way of "Wait" statement in QTP I dont want to use wait("Some number"). Can any one tell this please..........

10 29808

Hi all, On recording a particular Web application with QTP,Have came across a problem for which I havent found a solution so far.. The script of importance is as follows: Browser("Personalized Start Page").Page("XYZ").Frame ("mainFrame_4").Link("address.csv").Click Browser("Personalized Start Page").Page("XYZ").Sync Dialog("0% of dms.php from XYZ-").Dialog("File Download").WinButton("Save").Click My problem is that on recording the application with QTP and clicking the "address.csv" link another browser window comes up temporarily followed by the Windows "FileSave" dialog.The browser window which came up closes down when the Windows "FileSave" dialog is visible and I save the file to a windows location. On the "Record and Run" settings under Qtp,have activated settings for web and windows applications. But when I run this recorded script,and after the "address.csv" click,The browser window comes up and goes down,No Windows "FileSave" dialog comes up and the QTP shows the error Dialog("0% of dms.php from XYZ-") object is not found,though this object is there in the repository. Have tried putting the Dialog("0% of dms.php from XYZ- ").Exist property.But the "Exist" property is not recognised by the dialog at all. Any help in this direction is appreciated.. Thanks in advance J

1 5454

Please explain me frameworks & how to generate the scripts in framework


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ADP QTP Interview Questions

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Why the error "Operation must use an updateable query"?


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how to select energy meter? have any calculation?


Explain the differences between marshal by value and marshal by reference?


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