what is idealcapital?what should be the ideal capital for indian organisations?is it different from firm to firm?
1720Post New ADP Accounting General Interview Questions
What bottom-up testing is?
Which type of data HBase can store?
Is kali linux for beginners?
What is meant by framework in java?
Explain is it possible to code goto statement in natural? If yes please provide the syntax of the same?
What is the metadata extension?
What is Speculative Execution in Apache Spark?
What is the structure of a dna molecule?
How do you identify if jvm is 32-bit or 64-bit from java program?
What is tmsi in gsm technology?
What do you understand by django?
Difference between value and reference type.
what will happen if earth of 33 kv cable (earthed system) is not connected to earthing pit?
Why we are doing post heating in alloy steel welding?
Explain the difference between projectile motion and a rocket motion?