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ADITI Interview Questions
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Your ASP.NET application displays sales data on a page. You want to improve performance by holding the page in memory on the server for one hour. You want to ensure that the page is flushed from memory after one hour, and that the page is re-created when the next request for the page is received. What should you do? A . Initialize a new instance of the Cache class in the Application.Start event handler. B . Initialize a new instance of the Timer class in the Page.Load event handler. C . Set the Duration attribute of the OutputCache directive in the page. D . In the Web.config file, set the timeout attribute of the sessionState element.

5 6665

We have 2 sites in which one site allows the user with out asking credentials and second one ask for credentials through a log page. What might be the configurations settings for both sites? We can use IIS and web.config files together.

1 5066

Cement , sand , concrete ration in M30 Grade

1 5874

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What are the data types in sas?


Can you write css3 code to arrange text in multi columns?


Explain the mouse events that silverlight currently supports.


what are some aspects of your present or most recent position that you dislike?


Explain where you will drop the constraints?


What is pgdb program?


What is overloading in wcf?


Can I upgrade to windows 10 without losing everything?


What are the different options associated with dsjob command?


we have sale material to party and freight paid by us. This freight charged in sale invoice than what is the entry of service tax in this case.


What is the basic difference between OPC


what is difference between UV - VISIBLE MODEL NO like 1600,1601,1700 etc ? plz explain me


Describe the features and uses of the views module.


How to create simple application in django ?


What is strong data type in c#?