According to underground cables a) stress b/w sheath & conductor is high b) inrush of core & conductor
1578Post New CDS Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
How many validators do ASP.NET have?
How do I use the default xml namespace to refer to element type names in an xml namespace?
What do you understand by looping in java? Explain the different types of loops.
How do I change word to normal view?
What you understand by richter scale?
What are the main benefits of office sharepoint server 2007?
What is the contrast between delimited by space and delimited by size?
What is price earnings (p/e) ratio?
what is the use of static frequency converter and static excitation equipment? and where it is employed? for what?
How to programmatically trigger a click event that's being handled by jquery?
Why stored procedure is faster than query?
How you can remove a rule from security group?
Define mongodb SUM?
The function of Differential is a) To prevent wheel skidding b) To reduce the speed of the inner wheels during turning c) To keep the speed of all the wheels same when going straight ahead d) all of the above
How to control the file?