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CDS NDA Interview Questions
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Out of the following, which river crosses the equator twice? (a) Amazon (b) Nile (c) Zaire (d) Orinoco

14 58115

Who organized the East India Association in London to mobilize public opinion for Indian welfare? (a) Justice Ranade (b) Dadabhai Naoroji (c) Surendranath Banerjee (d) Anandamohan Bose

5 14913

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In which scenario i can use stub zone and why if i have all information in my primary dns server?


How to get the value of selected option in jquery?


What is “oftype"? In linq?


What is the use of dimension - r_acct (a), while creating a rate application in bpc?


Explain the dynamic testing?


How do you name a table in excel 2007?


What does li mean in code?


What does registry editor do?


How to install zend framework?


How do I make the font bigger?


Enlist the various fonts attributes?


Kindly Help for this Below Scenario, I am going to implement Power BI into our internal software. I’m familiar with the fact that each user can pay $9.99 a month to build and view reports but what I need to know is how can we embed Power BI into our application so that any users that log into our application can see the reports without the monthly fee. I’ve researched enough that it can be done. What I am not familiar with is how to do it or the pricing of embedding it into an application. I think they do pricing on how many renders you do or something. Would you be able to look into how we could embed it into our software and the cost?


What is the purpose of $_error variable ?


Can I learn angular without knowing javascript?


Can we create master detail relationship on existing records?