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CA WinRunner Interview Questions
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How winrunner recognise window/object apart from GUI map file?

4 6676

What is the Winrunner Framework in your organisation?

1 6494

Hi, Currently i am using winrunner for my project.Its a java project. When i am running the script its failing in cliking an image link("My Profile"). The image object is eventhough exists in GUI map editor script is failing to recongize the object. I am getting the error of "Web_image_click:"My Profile" Error:Object is not found". I recorded the script and executed it is not running it shows the same error. The following physical description displaying in GUI map editor : { class: object, MSW_class: html_rect, html_name: "My Profile" } The thing was running successfully, I could not able to identify something happen to the script its showing error. Please give solution for this problem. Let me know if need more information. Regards, Sankar

3 4373

Post New CA WinRunner Interview Questions

CA WinRunner Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Tell me what is the use of the function htmlentities?


Explain main features to write R code that runs faster?


Display names and numbers of employees who have 5 years or more experience and  salary less than Rs.15000 using array of structures (name, number, experience and  salary)


If we have the center line of the Finnish road level and we want to know what level of pay would have offset the Lhs and Rhus RHS 1,2.5,5 1,2.5,5 m.


What are the steps required for setting up validator framework in struts?


What do you mean by batch file?


what does xslt mean


How to replace a substring in a given string?


Explain formal protocols?


What is 'write-ahead log' in sql server 2000 ?


Please explain lilo?


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Tell us what kind of problems does regularization solve?


What are the four different kinds of shelves in Tableau?


What is 2 stands for in j2ee?