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Vodafone Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

i want to know about call center interviews question

14 34620

why u join the genpact co,

37 70280

What is the time taken for 1 satellite hop in voice communication?

3 15282

Define Thermal impedance?


how should we start our self introduction.what is the sequence should we after our name then what we have to say.

41 544058

What is A Call Centre For You?

14 19896

who is favourite cricket player and y???

31 68789

how did you spend ur last day?

28 178729

why do you want to join call center

40 101623

What are advantages and disadvantages of Design patterns?

7 107444

speak for 2 minutes on some topic

46 792228

introduce urself?

38 53713

why do u live thisjob?

10 14063

What are the importance of job in our life??

34 148558

wata is all about qm intigration


Post New Vodafone Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Explain amp in teradata?


what is the difference between pipe and a tube?


How can I manage special characters when I execute an insert query?


how to read database records without locking them?


What are symget and symput? : sas-macro


I faced several time siemens ps2 positioner automatically getting Chang in it's set point direction after auto calibration  So is there any causes biside this or  any  permissives ?


Dear Sir, We are running a security agency. Please suggest us Notification No.:15/2012 service Tax dated 17.03.12 which is effected from 01.07.12 Please suggest how to raise bill on our clients.


Suppose Hadoop spawned 100 tasks for a job and one of the task failed. What will Hadoop do?


What is the default database in postgresql?


How do I create a string in excel?


What is pydoc command?


Explain the two main components of the hadoop framework?


What is a substring in excel?


You created a predictive model of a quantitative outcome variable using multiple regressions. What are the steps you would follow to validate the model?


what is the VA(Volt-amphere)? define with calculation?