What can objective c be used for?
What is the difference between ms word and ms excel?
Is there any difference between rpa and automation testing?
how we sort two input files based on a common column and giving one o/p file please send me the coding logic?
Explain object element syntax in xaml?
hi every body i am master student in control engineering and my project is slip control in trains i assumed a Dc motore as traction motor but i don't have characteristics of this kind of motor that is used in train. i want from every body if he or she has the characteristics or information about Dc motor that is used in train give me those information or technical characteristics .
What is c-sharp (c#)?
briefly describe your strengths and weaknesses? How do these relate to the career you wish to pursue?
Explain is it better to use a pointer to navigate an array of values, or is it better to use a subscripted array name?
Name the replication jobs in SAP HANA?
What is connection pooling and why it is used?
How can I turned on windows defender?
How will you initialize an Applet?
What is difference between .net and .net core?
What is jdbc and jdbc drivers?