How to do performance testing in PRD system? What are pre-requisites?
What are dead letter queues?
How many keywords are used in c++?
Why is ms excel used?
Explain about object oriented programming and its features?
What number of the times the instruction sequence below will loop before coming out of loop is MOV AL, 00hA1: INC AL JNZ A1
What is the function in r?
How to Test the mainframe application?
Explain photo editing?
1)what to do in emergency situation of having total blackout (on a ship) 2)what to do in emergency situation of flooding in the engine room 3)under what conditions would engine room bilges be pumped overboard? 4)why is high pressure required for the injection of fuel into the cylinder of diesel engine. 5)why is doubled walled pipes employed for high pressure fuel lines? 6)reasons for overheating of main engine 7)how to detect choked fuel valve,leaky piston rings and their remedies during operation in diesel engine? 8)effects of insufficient or excessive cylinder lubrication? 9)causes of a diesel engine piston overheating.
Explain the difference between holap and rolap?
What are the basic and additional conditions for resident and ordinarily resident (ror)?
How do you create your own package in python?
who got padhmabhushan award on 2008
Describe substr() in r string manipulation?