Which of the following elements is not-radioactive? 1 Uranium 2 Thorium 3 Plutonium 4 zirconium
3 19148Post New ACC General Science Interview Questions
How does the steam work in a steam turbine?
What is the namespace in python?
Write a program to display reverse of any number?
What purpose does the model database server? : sql server DBA
Can you delete data element, which is being used by table fields?
What are covariances in R?
What are iseries servers?
How to pass extra variables in url with wordpress
What is a servlet context?
Explain the concept of ovs and its usage?
How to retry multiple errored workflow processes? What is the access level in workflow used for? How do you define start and end functions in workflow? How does they differ from normal functions? Give me some workflow tables? What is the difference between a function and notification in workflow? I have sent two different notifications to two different users and I want to wait till both they are approved to send 3rd notification. How can you achieve it? What is item type and item key in workflow? How do you use attribute values in workflow messages? How do you use lookups in workflow? What are roles in workflow and how they are used? How do you download or upload a workflow from a server? What are steps to customize the workflow? What functions can you perform from workflow administrator responsibility? To send an email to the user workflow notification is the only way or is there any other ways to send it? Give me some workflow standard procedures? How can you run/start/kickoff workflow? What is wf_engine package used for? How many processes can each workflow contain? What is Runnable option in workflow? At what level it exists? What are different types of attributes in workflow? How do you reassign a notification? What is process in workflow? How can you send direct oracle form link through workflow notifications? How can you send a notification to multiple users? Can you change the list dynamically? Can you send html code in workflow notification? I have sent two different notifications to two different users and I want to wait till atleast one is approved to send 3rd notification. How can you achieve it?
What are the differences between ntfs4 and ntfs5?
What is the function of f8 key?
What are the two sections in custom menu template?
What is swift in ios?