What are the data types used in WMLScript?
I was faced these interview questions, please provide answer with your real life experience SAP gurus. 1. As a SAP SD consultant how did you integrate/interact with MM and FI/CO? 2. Tell me about your OTC process expreience? 3. How have you used MASS tool in your last project, and to upgrade what data? 4. Tell me about your EDI/IDOC experience? PLease answer any/all questions as per your wish. Thank you very much in advance, god bless.
If a control valve is hunting means means if we are giving 50% to the cv, the cv will open at 51% then slowly slwoly it will reaches 49% , so what to do for solve this problem. The cv is double acting and mounted for anti surge operation, it having 4 nos. volume booster, one sov, one positioner, etc..?
Explain basis path testing?
Provide an example of a situation where you explained a complex medical concept to a child or adolescent in a way they could understand.
Storage location is im or wm component ?
What are the scalar data types in Pig?
Can application run without any issue if dmgr is down?
How to calculate the quantity of cement mortar 2" for mosaic tile fixing 12"x12"?
How do I update my os on my android?
What is replication in mongodb?
Explain what does the burn down charts shows?
What is the difference between public, private, and protected inheritance?
Define what is meant by voltage regulation of a dc power supply?
How do I change themes?