The biggest oil refinery in India is at (1) Mathura (2) Visakhapatnam (3) Barauni (4) Koyali
39 82229. Which of the following weapons of war are conspicuous by their absence in the archaeological finds of the Indus Valley Civilisation? (1) Swords (2) Spears (3) Daggers (4) Axes
1 5093. Devaluation of currency leads to (1) Fall in domestic prices (2) No effect in domestic prices (3) Increase in domestic prices (4) Any of the above
5 29312Post New ACC APPSC AllOther Interview Questions
What is design pattern? Provide example .Why are we using it?
Why would you use dependency injection?
Explain how do you create special files like named pipes and device files?
What is current version of blue prism?
Define path?
How is the budget for the project controlled? Tell the menu path for the place where it is controlled.
What is css in coding?
What is set verify off in oracle?
Explain threshold energy?
actually what is the working of a call center? what is the method of process and how do they get source?
Explain by listing some of dbms major advantages.
Which design pattern is mvc?
write a command to view the content of the table
Does hashmap allow null keys?
What factors you should consider while creating a newsletter for a customer?