What is seq in scala collection?
Explain the importance of finally block in java?
Explain the etl program with few examples.
What does typedef struct mean?
Write a c pgm to print the letter as per given condition i.e.. if u give 4 out put should b 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
How do you reject records in a transformer?
How do you type in excel without deleting?
Explain the term Cloud computing? What are its types?
Write down the syntax and an example for create, rename and delete index?
Explain the scala anonymous function.
What is meant by Error Log ?
What is evict method in hibernate?
Explain naming conventions for packages?
How can you make a menu link that is not clickable?
When will you incur costs with an elastic ip address (eip)?