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Aricent Interview Questions
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Who fixes the bug as Severity and priority ?

12 14997

What is Analyzing the test results / Reports mean ? plz its urgent

1 5213

Code for 1>"ascii to string" 2>"string to ascii"

1 4771

what is the functionality of search window in CDMA? what is the difference between Ec/Io and Eb/No? What is meant by Link Budget analysis?


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Aricent Interview Questions

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hi, they have given 2 tables to write quries in SQL SERVER 2000 based on table as follows . 1st table :author: COLUMNS AS FOLLOWS pk. AUTHOR F_NAME DOB NATIONALITY 2ND TABLE BOOKS: COLUMNS AS FOLLOWS; PK ISDN F.K AUTHOR LANGUAGE PUBLISH_DATE; 1) RETRIVE author who is indian and hindi write in a) as joins b) sub quries 2)retrive who is younger author ; 3)retrive author who wrote more than one book in different language. 4)retrive author who has wrote in different language in each year write all queries in sql for sql server


What do you understand by qvd files?


Explain how can you tell if there is a dipole moment or not?


What is c++ code?


How Global.asax is used ?


What is mutual exclusion and multithreading in OS?


Which built-in method combines the text of two strings and returns a new string?


How to generate a character from an ascii value?


Explain Usage of Hive?


Is c++ the hardest programming language?


Identify and explain a newly redesigned feature of the software that had a UX issue in the previous version…[and then] describe an alternative design plan for the same.


How retrive the deleted file frm UAT by doing migration in SAP BO 4.0


Does the data get distributed evenly on all volumes, if a new data volume is added?


What is normative accounting?


What is DTSI technology?