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Aricent Core Java Interview Questions
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After compilation of java program we'll get .class code. If it's generated in OS Windows XP will it work on OS Linux? If yes why? If no why?

5 8267

What are the OOAD concepts in java explain with examples?

4 31859

Q) I have a ArrayList object, in that object i have added 5 integer values, 5 float values, 5 string values. Now question is how can delete particular type of data ( i.e all int values or all float values or string values) in that list object at a time?

3 7458

I have a Arraylist object, it has duplecate values also. Now question is i want delete duplecate data in that objet with out using Set?

8 13106

Explain implementation and how is it different from conversion?


Explain what pure virtual function is?


How will you calculate the depth of a binary tree if the tree contains 15 nodes?


Is it necessary for the port addresses to be unique? Explain with reason.


Tell me how many ways are there to initialise an integer with a constant.


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Aricent Core Java Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the default jvm used for weblogic?


How can we connect to a mysql database from a php script?


Explain the different lookup methods used in informatica?


write test cases on wall


From a strategic perspective, how can senior management make the best use of the human resorce function?


When should we use static resource over dynamic resource?


I have a range of time values, but when I try to sum them, the total is never greater than 24 hours?


Why are http servlets used in programming?


give me any information abou vb script books learn quckly


Does toad work with postgres?


What is the difference between catalog and content tab?


Suppose we configure sorter transformations in the master and detail pipelines with the following sorted ports in order: item_no, item_name, price. When we configure the join condition, what are the guidelines we need to follow to maintain the sort order?


What you would like to wear traditional or western ?


What is deep linking in angular 2?


What is meant by a "baseline data" in sap ar and ap?