WHAT IS BASICS TO SELECTION OF 11 kv Trasformer, send any calculation sheet for selection of transformer
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2 8916What is Partial Discharge test .Please specify that this test can be test on 11/0.433 KV,630 KVA Transformer.
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IF Statements BLOCK 1 . IF a >= b THEN do_this …..; ELSE do_that….; END IF BLOCK 2 . IF a < b THEN do_that …..; ELSE do_this….; END IF; • Given any pair of non-NULL values for “a” and”b”, will Block 1 and Block 2 do the same thing? • What if either “a” or”b” (or both) is NULL?
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where does the system store mic long text history? When I tried using, 'read_text function module', the system is fetching only new long text. How do I fetch the old long text of mic?
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If I have to write the test cases for any report & there is date box.then may I have to write only select date or have to write all steps required for selecting date
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