I generated one report design time I can color green. At run I want bule how to change dynamically? And which method I can over write?
sir i want know how to fill vat return
Which annotation is used to auto generate primary key?
What is the
What is fault contracts in wcf?
Who is your guide ?
What are the latest developments in banks?
Which property is used to set the width of the outline?
Tell me which property of the webmethod attribute allows you to maintain the state of objects across sessions in a web method?
Write a query to find 5th highest amount paid from the customer table.
What are the available control flows?
Suppose in market 4n27 is not easily available so which opto isolator can I use at the place of this? What is 4n27
Difference between gl posted date and gl date in gl.
can we swap two different string using php for example:-- before swapping:-- 1 string :-hello friend, 2 string :-my dear, after swapping that strings will be: 1.hello dear, 2.my friend.
how many bits ip address consist of? : Sql server database administration