Please tell me how many rounds will be there for apollo health streat IT? It is mentioned that they will ask about sql so tell me what type of questions they will ask?
2104hi ive done my pg in life sciences so why do u want to join BPO rather than going to research institute
2340Post New Apollo Call Centre AllOther Interview Questions
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How does the dialog handle user requests?
What is the use of hydrogen in automobile?
What is NameNode? How NameNode tackle Datanode failures in Hadoop?
How to check standalone or embedded solr is being used in hybris multi channel suite?
Give the best example for open source cloud computing.
Explain the core concepts of marketing?
How long should a pip last?
What is du -s * | sort -k1,1rn | head command used for?
What is the difference between serializable and parseable?
What is raw datatype in sql?
Is windows 7 older than xp?
Do we need to have hardware in the datacenter that understands mpls/bgp/l3vpn? Dc won’t have them as these are wan technology/protocols?
What is profile in cucumber?
Explain me how to change the length of the default wordpress excerpt?