i have two file, each file having :

file1 is having 2 fields

field1 field2

file2 is having 3 fields
field1 field2 field3

my req is to make it one file like:

field1 field2 field1 field2 field3

if anyone know please send me syntax, i tried this with
DFSORT but could not succeed.

Answer Posted / navatha

declare field1,field2(file3rec1) in 1 group then
field1,field2,feild3 in another group(file3rec2) then
declare it as whole record then using reference
modification u can do as
move filerec1 to file3rec1(1:10)
move filerec2 to file3rec2(1:10)
write file3

i think this will get ur answer............

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