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Questions / { jaykumar }
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.how does CSADA systems display the process variable value?


2 Instrumentation 4289

Name some of the common protocol use in automation.


3 Instrumentation 5518

What is pre-commissioning and commissioning ?


1 Instrumentation 6507

What is difference between loop and zone ?

Adgas, Bilt,

5 Instrumentation 12448

How many problems can be occurring in solenoid valve? And how it can be rectified?


1 Instrumentation 4942

how to calibrate temprature switch and flow switch ?


1 Instrumentation 6418

Answers / { jaykumar }

Question { Reliance, 131479 }

What is the basic principle of vibration measurement by
BENTLY NEVADA vibration measurement system? and Why it
gives the -ve voltage output?


what is purpose of proximity ? why use proximity with
vibration system?

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Question { Bilt, 12448 }

What is difference between loop and zone ?


i am asking about fire alarm system.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 2 No

Question { Bilt, 12448 }

What is difference between loop and zone ?


DSA i am not asking about field zone classification i am just asking about fire alarm system for there loop and zone ..

ok ...

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