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* Profession * sr.engineer-engg and design
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Questions / { ramesh }
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Answers / { ramesh }

Question { Essar, 4084 }

pls tell about gas insulated substation?which gas is used
for that substation?above which rating we are used this
substation?how we take maintenance in that substation?it
means substation fully shutdown or live condition?if live
condition means how?pls clear this things


Each circuit-breaker bay is factory assembled and includes
the full complement
of isolator switches , grounding switches ( regular or make-
proof ),instrument transformers ,control and protection
equipment, interlocking and monitoring facilities commonly
used for this type of installation .The earthed metal
enclosures of GIS assure not only intensitivity to
contamination but also safty from electric shock.

* Above 66kV using GIS

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