hi,everyone. i got a problem in handling linklabels. i've
more than one linklabels in a form. i used following event
handler to handle the event 'LinkClicked' of Linklabel.

private sub LinkLabel1_LinkClicked() Handles
end sub

My question is how to identify the 'Linklabel1'
and 'Linklabel2'.

i dont want to handle the events of linklabels individually.

hi,everyone. i got a problem in handling linklabels. i've more than one linklabels in a form...

Answer / dinesh

Private Sub LinkLabel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

dim strName as string=sender.name

end sub.

Now the strname contains the name of linklabel clicked.

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