Is it true that if i m rejected twice for business
visa(b-1), i cannot apply for next 2 years??
If this is true, can i apply for student visa within those
two years?

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More USA Business Visa B1 Visa Interview Questions

Who is going to accompany you to the US? If several of your collegues are going to accompany you,why are so many people required to go to US?

0 Answers   US Consulate,

How long will you be staying in USA?

3 Answers  

My B1 visa got rejected and I tried second time for the same. Please help to success the second time visa interview as I am not very fluent in english.

0 Answers   OSCG,

Do you have any relatives in USA?

6 Answers  

Hi, I have 1.5 years experience in international IT company. We are exhibiting in world largest event in USA related to our solution. I have all the documents and call letter from USA and my company provide me all the expanses. My application was rejected without any reason. I asked others for the reason they say you never visit any country before so are are rejected. It is true ? I also apply with in week again because it is very important event for me and my company can I get visa ? Please advice.

0 Answers  

My B1 got rejected twice this year in gap of 2 months. Does AMCHAM(American Chamber of Commerce) also helps in any sense to get a visa?

0 Answers   AgreeYa Solutions,

I want to go USA on B1 visa but i am not getting sponsorship from anyone my question is how can i get sponsor/invitation from US is any body guide me for this i would be greatful.

1 Answers  

My Visa got Rejected on 28th December 2010. I again reappled and again i got rejected on 10th March 2011. Please let me know can i apply again? I dont know why they are rejecting? Please let me know on what to do?

0 Answers   ADS,


0 Answers  

My self was appeared twice for US visa interview and authority has rejected without any reason disclose, my self was going for business purpose to see the my vessel loading and meeting with the suppliers and i was carring the invitation letter from my supplier but authority rejected & only say "sorry for this time" . Is is there any connection to reject my visa with my us immigration file ? because my in-laws is US citizens and they have filed immigration file for my family memberes .

0 Answers  

Recently i got rejected for B1 visa. can i reapply is there any time gap to apply?

5 Answers   Cosmo Films, iSpan, MAHINDRA, SoftCom,

hi its bala, i need to apply for US B1 Visa, i want to know how many years work experience need to get US B1 visa.... can u help me....

1 Answers  

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