what kind of questions (.net)to expect in a telephonic
interview.This is the first time i will be facing a tele
interview .Any inputs regarding this??

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what kind of questions (.net)to expect in a telephonic interview.This is the first time i will be f..

Answer / kishore anumala

You just need to concentrate more on OOPS concepts.
And also poject knowledge if any you have worked before.
The questions will be like :

When you will use Abstract Classes and when you will use
interfaces? Explain with some examples.

So need to be bit trickey....

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what kind of questions (.net)to expect in a telephonic interview.This is the first time i will be f..

Answer / amit

First of all they have checked communication skill and
respose Time of your answer.other else they focus on
defination part of oops and asp.net general question like
session management,your project detail.ans some part of sql
sever like procedure ,function,trigger,view,cursor,index,
keys etc.

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