Electronics Communications Interview Questions
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why sometimes PF value have an negative sign?


Suppose you have been asked to design one electronic circuit then starting from basic what procedure do you follow?It should include all standard industrial measures. Please reply.Thanks.


significance of transistor number

1 3022

why we used -48 dc volt for telecom equipments ?

2 23698

which is preferred in ckts for x-or operation a) 1 x-or gate b) 4 nand gates

1 2497

especeted cutt off for bharat electronics limited exam both on 26june and 1 july


brown out function in micro controller?

1 3191

what is fili flop ?


3 6164

i want some more real applications of TDM?

3 3782

full from of GSM?

10 6660

what is the main function of transistor Basie?

Crompton Greaves,

4 5736

what is the specific application of PLC in communications, control systems and automation?

Idea, TCS,

2 6206

what is used in cd audio player to reproduce sound?

2 3698

Mention the operators that cannot be overloaded?

1 2969

Where to use friend function in binary operator overloading . How? explain with an example.


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Un-Answered Questions { Electronics Communications }

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the k-map method?


what is the universal communication protocol?


Which type of power plant is more easier to produce electrical power at economical condition?


sir i want to know when is the exam in 2009 and last date for application form ,plz let me know sir


What is the significance of the arrow-head in the transistor symbol?


I am b.tech graduate in ECE, and looking for a linux server admin course. Will that be beneficial for me. Or shall I opt for any other course like software testing? Please suggest me.


What does a tristate signal in electronics signify?


What Are The Advantages Of Spread Spectrum?


i done m.e communication system degree. i like to study new degree. which course is to choose. i selected m.sc applied psychology, m.sc e&i. is this suitable for me or say some suggestion to do some course.


Number of nodes in Binary tree with height 3:


In Traffic Manager, What is the Use for Zero (0) timeslot.


The electric field in the space charge region decreases with forward bias and increases with reverse bias. Why?


Op-amp is used mostly as an integrator than a differentiator. Explain why?


What are the poles of alternators made of?


Explain is rfid in developing stage? What is scope in rfid?