Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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What happen if an alternator rotates in reverse direction?

3 12658

What is the difference between UPS and SMPS?

Mukand, NightFox,

7 42642

what is the other name of dc series motor

2 6173

How to make two bulbs glow Alternatively?

2 5949

description with working of all parts of a Diesel generator???????



why cont we short earth and N.......?

3 4731

Why the wave trap is put in Y phse only in switchyard?why not in other phases?

1 3445

What is the difference between earth fault and restricted earth fault protection?

1 4495

I need to connect a synchronous generator to the grid using automatic synchronization and two circuit breakers (one for synchronization, one for end connection to the grid), how to determinate the required diameter of the cables?


What is full form of ELECTRICAL?

Changwoon, DP World, Electrical, GSS, HCL, ITI, L&T, Maruti Suzuki, MCC, SMR, Somany Ceramics, TRDP, Wipro,

3 64400

How PADO software increase the efficiency of power plant?

Avalon, SVS,


I need to connect a synchronous generator to the grid using automatic synchronization and two circuit breakers (one for synchronization, one for end connection to the grid), how to determinate the required diameter of the cables?


how can we calculate air compressure capacity

1 3284

what is earthing

1 3473

What is Ton Capacity of Air Conditioner?


1 2974

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Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

whati s the sludge current in ups


there is an alternator 480 k.w, 400v,50hz, 4-wire running on load having leakage alternator body earthed current 38 A. is it within acceptable limit? if yes then give reference if no then how to bring within specified limit


what is meant by vector group of a transformer? How can it be derived?


What is measurement?


What is the tests required for a 132 kV, 400 kV , 765 kV for a Circuit Breaker and Power Transformer before commissioning ?


we have earthmat at 110KV substation.we would like to take earth resistance.b some says that by connecting earth megger terminals (C1,P1) at middile point of earthmat (at riser) will cause voltage gradient at other earthmat nods and dont get exat earth resistance.when connecting at end nods will get exat value . is it correct .please explain


If I have Energy Meter Ratio as 100:5 & Also I have CT Ratio as 50:5 then what will be my multiplying Factor(M.F.)


Difference between ac parallel circuit and ac series circuit?


describe the A.C. Generator Testing procedure


Do u know any one? how to find out in motor rated amps? formula?


How to synchronization will be done between two DGs ?


new 90kw motor installed so how I purchased cable ,fuse,etc please give me technic for cable selected why always capacitor delta connection


What is the problem of internal failure in ship engine telegraph system norcontrol?


what topics we have to concentrate for power grid et.written test.and tell what to read for english synonyms and antonyms.


Can you please explain creepage distance in detail, for a 6.6kV cable head what must the distance be and how do you determine it?