Physical Science Interview Questions
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What do you know about Distance of the earth from the moon and the sun.

1 670

Describe the Domestic and wild animals?

1 720

Describe the Tides?

1 682

Describe the Rotation of crops?

1 741

Describe the Seasons?

1 744

Explain The sun in brief?

1 706

Explain The Stars in brief?

1 701

Explain The Moon in brief?

1 705

Explain The Plants in brief?

1 747

Why more difficult to stop a cricket ball than a tennis ball moving with same velocity

1 777

A burn from steam is more painful than that from boiling water.

1 678

Why a pen used for writting with ink is always split as its pointed end?

1 706

How are the weather forcasts made ?

1 782

How can you estimate the height of a bridge by dropping a stone from if ?

1 702

Explain the Refaction of light ?

1 813

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Un-Answered Questions { Physical Science }

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