Gynaecology Interview Questions
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How would you reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with caesarean sections?


35 year old woman is thought to have a vesico-vaginal fistula. What are the main causes of vesico-vaginal fistulas?

2 3982

Where is the ureter most likely to be injured during pelvic surgery?


A 35 year old woman has been listed for hysteroscopy. What are the indications for hysteroscopy in a woman of this age?

1 3066

A 40 year old woman attends for hysterectomy for dysfunctional uterine bleeding 9 months after she was seen in clinic. Describe your pre-operative assessment and counselling.


A 35 year old woman complaining of vulval itching is found to have vulval intra-epithelial neoplasia (VIN) on vulval biopsy. How would you treat her?


Where is the urinary tract most likely to be injured during pelvic surgery and how can such injury be avoided?


How would you assess and treat a 52year old woman who complains of heavy prolonged menstrual bleeding?

3 4213

34 year old woman is found to have a monochorionic twin pregnancy at 12 weeks gestation in her first pregnancy. She requests information on the antenatal risks to her and her fetuses and their management. How would you counsel her?

1 3145

35 year second gravida with single umbilical artery and ctev (club foot)

1 4307

Which medication would be most effective in reversing the effect of narcotics on the neonate?


Is mala d is a safe contraceptive? What is its failure rate . From which day it should be taken?


in scanning report of my wife at gender column it is written as III , What is the meaning?

1 2825

what is the gynaecology


haw is called the small opening of the uterus that sperm would first enter

3 6514

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A 17 year old lady presents at 10 weeks gestation with vomiting and vaginal bleeding. Ultrasound scan confirms a complete hydatidiform mole. How would you manage her?


Explain ovarian cysts?


14 year old woman requests the combined oral contraceptive pill for contraception. Please see her and discuss her management?


A 40 year old woman attends for hysterectomy for dysfunctional uterine bleeding 9 months after she was seen in clinic. Describe your pre-operative assessment and counselling.


What can be the reasons for bleeding between the menstrual cycle? How would you assess such cases?


Explain fibroids?


what is the gynaecology


girl is more sexy lady how.


List the causes of vesico-vaginal fistulas. How would you treat them?


How would you assess the case of a 15 years old girl who has not started mensturating?


You are charged with reducing mortality and morbidity from pre-term delivery in your unit. How would you proceed?


A 30 year old woman requests termination of pregnancy at 7 weeks gestation. How you will counsel her and discuss the available options for pregnancy termination.


You are asked to see a 30 year old woman at 28 weeks gestation with suspected ruptured membranes. How would you confirm the diagnosis?


Which medication would be most effective in reversing the effect of narcotics on the neonate?


When would you suggest a patient to have a mammography done?