Agriculture Interview Questions
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How to speed up decomposition?

2 14417

What's the easiest way to make compost?

2 3791

When is my compost finished?

1 3061

Do fungus gnats, phorid flies or moth flies bite? Are the bites toxic? If toxic, what kind of symptoms are manifested from the bite?


What is the life expectancy of a stink bug?

2 6151

what are the symptoms of sorghum Anthracnose diasease?what



what is the causal organism of Downy Mildew of Alfalfa?

1 3320

what are the symptoms of Powdery mildew of wheat?

1 3413

what are the differences between Early blight and Late blight of potato?

2 27099

what are the control measures in case ofsclerotinia stem rot of soyabean?


Mention the symptoms of downy mildew of grapes?

1 4491

which group of hosts deposit gums to defend themselves?


How to measure a disease?

2 4115

what are the symptoms of clubroot of crucifers?

1 3446

what is the basic difference in the formation of spores in subclasses basidiomycetes and ascomycetes?


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Un-Answered Questions { Agriculture }

Discuss the integration of sensors and automation in monitoring and controlling factors like temperature, humidity, and ventilation in agricultural environments.


Was india required to cut its tariffs on agricultural products as a result of the uruguay round of agriculture negotiations?


Do you know where did the first soils come from? : soil science


What is the fertilizing value of hog manure, and also what is the best fertilizer to use for potatoes as Our potatoes are planted early in January.


Describe your experience with designing and implementing sustainable practices in agriculture, such as renewable energy integration or waste management.


Where is the tympanum located in the family Tettigoniidae?


What is soil classification? : soil science


Are the bites toxic? If toxic, what kind of symptoms are manifested from the bite?


what are all the agriculture universities/colleges conducting PG Entrance test for students in all over India?does the graduates from the agricuture colleges are (not recognised by ICAR ) eligible?


Do fungus gnats, phorid flies or moth flies bite? Are the bites toxic? If toxic, what kind of symptoms are manifested from the bite?


Would developing countries also be required to provide tariff rate quota access to compensate for the lower cuts on their sensitive products?


What about disciplines on the non trade distorting or green box support measures?


Ow irrigation facilities are classified in our country, in terms of ayacut?


Is there any sign of larvae or mature insects with the naked eyes?


Describe your involvement in the development of new technologies for pest and disease control in crops and livestock.