Zoology Interview Questions
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what is the function of bicuspid or mitral valve in human heart?

Aakash Institute,

7 22853

what are the different stages in the life histoty of dibothriocephalus?

1 4528

coral reefs are how many types?name them?

PH.D Interview,

1 4893

explain signet ring stage in erythrocytic cycle of plasmodium?

3 22452

differentiate apterygota and pterygota subclasses of phylum arthropoda?

3 33839

what r tidemann's bodies?where do u find them?

1 5154

what is a keber's organ?with what function it associates?

3 22899

differentiate miracidium and cercaria larval forms?

1 5272

what is osphradium?


2 11428

what r ambulacral ossicles?what is its importance in phylum echinodermata?

1 8172

what are the constituents of human semen?

1 9730

what is the function of ovipositor in houseflies?

1 5016

what actually happens during window period of HIVinfection?

2 4845

what is the meaning of the word "kwashiorkor"?

1 4979

what is the difference between complicated fractures and comminnuted fractures?

1 3901

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Un-Answered Questions { Zoology }

Which animal has the characteristics of both mammals and birds?


If a dog’s ears go back define what emotions might it be communicating?


Which is the largest marsupial?


Ano po bang klaseng gagamba ang makagawa ng pinakamatigas supot (web)?


Which animal produces the biggest baby?


Animals having four feet are called define what?


How do molluscs grow their shells?


Do the lions or lionesses do most of the hunting in a pride?


How might the absence of a coelom affect an Acoelomate's response to environmental changes or stressors?


How is the role of regional fishery bodies changing?


do you get to deal with animals hands on wile in college


Which is the mammal that has wings for flying?


Which animal is a glutton?


Why do animals have hair?


Explain how long does a dolphin sleep?