Botany Interview Questions
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Why do flower pots have holes in the bottom ?

1 3707

Explain distinction between plants and animals ?

1 4184

Explain the chief groups of plants ?

1 3139

Explain the Diversity of plant life ?

1 4962

Explain the parts of a plant ?

2 16350

Explain the functions of Roots ?

1 3307

Explain the Functions of the Stem ?

1 2919

Explain the Functions of Leaf ?

2 3566

Explain the Defensive mechanism in plants ?

1 9421

Explain other Devices of Defence ?

1 2697

Write about the Fruits ?

1 2495

Explain the Classification of Fruits ?

1 3196

Explain the Capsuler Fruits ?

1 2642

Explain the Cell?

2 3460

Write about the Protoplasm ?

2 3472

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Un-Answered Questions { Botany }

Which is better to grow plants in rock sand or soil?


Do all vascular plants develop annual rings?


TREE RINGS. Do they have any function other than dendochronology?


What is the only fruit from which no by-products are obtained?


What kind of toxic posions are released by the prickly pear cactus's needles?


Explain the signs of male and female plants?


Explain phelloids


True or false: tubers and fruits of wild members of the Solanaceae may be safely eaten. Explain.


what are the new agricultural techniques which can improve the production on agriculture?


plants release O2 only during daytime but respire 24 hrs giving out CO2 but are said to purify air? How?


How does stomatal conductance increase in an elevated carbon dioxide environment?


What are the symptoms of late blight of potato


Are Crop varieties like sugarcane or potato produced by clonal selection are in heterozygous condition?


what is the relationship between soil pH and base saturation capacity?


Explain respiratory quotient?